Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Progress update--narrative form

The kitchen re-modeling has been a major learning experience, a bit inconvenient and somewhat stressful during the last week. I have finally decided upon coutertops and a color for the kitchen-- going with a creamy color for the kitchen ( I think it's called Cafe Cream- will elaborate later). The countertops are called Sedona Bluff and will complement the cabinets, flooring and the dining room and kitchen wall colors nicely.

The flooring has been laid in the kitchen and hallway- the new dryer is installed. The big holdup will be waiting on the countertop installation as the sink and dish washer cannot be installed until the countertops are done...

Hope to put the final coats of paint on the dining room/ hallway and laundry area this week; get the trim around the floor and doors put back up and move the dining room furniture back into place. I'll be glad when the project is completed and I can enjoy my new kitchen to its fullest.... I am going to owe Malcolm a lot of really good, fancy home cooked meals!!!

The downstairs is beginning to come together nicely. The bar and Malcolm's new desk were delivered last week. Hope to mount some of the old cabinets on the wall and get some nice frames for pictures of Malcolm's wrestling teams and of Mr. Ater's noteworthy clients (i.e George Wallace, Nelson Rockefeller). Going to look for the big screen TV and surround sound system this week as well as a stand or some sort of unit to house these items. I got Malcolm a nice electric WVU sign to hang behind or near his new bar-- so things will hopefully come together here real soon-- then Malcolm can enjoy it!!!

I'll post some pictures of the projects this week...

1 comment:

Sara said...

Sounds like things are really coming along. I can't wait to see pictures soon!