Saturday, August 15, 2009

down on the farm at mal's manor

A little sunflower bouquet to adorn the living room... Can't wait for some more to bloom and display them all around the house
The garden is flowering and flourishing- and these aren't even the "biggie" sunflowers they're still growing on the otherside of the garden
Tall stalks of Indian Corn- can't wait to see the multicolor kernels and husks to decorate for Fall

Let's see--tomatoes, tomatoes and more tomatoes and there's more still on the vines...Looks like a day to make spaghetti sauce, salsa, peach jam and maybe a peach pie

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1 comment:

Sara said...

Wow this is wonderful Valerie. I can't beleive all the beautiful tomatoes and peaches. The corn is so tall, just perfect for decorating as you said. Wish I had that many sunflowers...4 have withered and only 2 more to go.