Our bar from last year took a "hit" from the umbrella and broke the glass top-- found this one and it works well with the existing bar stools plus has shelves for glasses and a portable ice container... Now we just need to have a party!!
Malcolm's contribution to the vegie garden- he has several potted tomato plants on the deck outside of our bedroom--
Every year we toil with tilling a plot of ground, spraying round up for the weeds and spreading wild flower seeds--never getting great results for all our efforts. This year we did nothing and found that the wild flowers had re-seeded themselves --- a nice country floral display and best of all, we can just sit back and enjoy the beauty and the different flowers that bloom each day
More tomatoes--these are Romas- great for sauce and salsa!!
Watermelon anyone- I've got 5 of them on the vines right now... Can't wait for them to mature and soak a few in vodka---yum!! Look for more pictures as they get bigger, also have cantalope and honey dew on the way...
Sunflowers beginning to blossom-- still have several more to open up... Planted more seeds this week for some late bloomers in the fall
1 comment:
Valerie I love that sunflower, it's such a neat orange color. The watermelon looks awesome, wish we were closer because the kids woudl gobble those up. I was just telling Nathan last night that I want to plant romas next year as we are always eating spaghetti sause an salsa. Love the new table, your outdoor dining area looks like it's out of a magazine.
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