Saturday, June 6, 2009


The gardens are almost all weeded, tilled and planted. Here's where I am so far... The vegetable garden has a couple raised beds that I did last year and then lots of plants and lots of seeds that I'm still planting...
Raised beds with cucumbers, a stripe tomato, cabbage, eggplant, lettuce and marigolds

I have 22 tomato plants of assorted varities- here's my first tomato beginning to grow

my famous herb gardenalmost done with the weeding, tilling and planting...this is the forward half of the garden ( should have lots of horseradish this year)

the canvas top on the gazebo tore last year- we planted a wisteria and this is how it has grown and bloomed this year ( planted 3 more wisterias on each of the corners--hope they all do this well next year)

1 comment:

Sara said...

Love the wisteria! 22 tomato plants - impressive! Wow you have a lot of sheperds hooks, how neat. I wanted to get one and try out an upside down (topsy turvy) tomato plant.